Friday, May 08, 2009


Its been a long time since I have visited my own blog!!! Sad, isn't it? Sad, not to get enough "me-time" . Sad , not to do things which you love to do. Sad, not to have a proper leisure activity. Sad that I have spent my days in a whrlwind sort of spin, shuttling from one task to the other, getting stressed, feeling dejected, dabbling around and not able to do anything with proficiency and perfection and landing up being muddle-brained like the "muggle" that I am.

Life..............sometimes can be like the "death eater" sucking up all your energy and not giving you sufficient space and opportunity for creativity................mind boggling and unnerving!!!!!!!!

But now I am free of all baggages.

Now I can relax.

Now I can say "Hi" to myself.

Now, I can look back and count my mistakes and cudchew on possible remedies.

Now, I am "myself".

What should I call this journey .........this episode...................this coming back to my own self........coming back to ordinary, mundane routine which is oh so dear to me...........visiting my blog.................doing up my house..............catching up on unfinished riyaaz.............oh such a lot to do and such a lot remain undone..............God I need a reservoire of unlimited strength and energy to accomplish all that I crave for.....................................all that I aspire to do....................................

Oh a phrase crops up in my mind .................................a phrase so apt................... describing my journey from hell to heaven ...........Hell Se Hullo Tak?!!!!!.................Howzzzatttt???????????